After constant insistence from my YouTube obsessed daughter i finally decided to make Glittery Ocean Slime for her. She has been watching slime videos for forever now. And obviously she wanted me to make some with her. To be honest i was a bit hesitant. I wasn’t too sure if i would be able to make slime. It seemed hard to me honestly. But oh man was i wrong ever! This has got to be the easiest slime recipe out there. By the way there are tons and tons of almost identical recipes everywhere on Pinterest.
I decided to make our Glittery Ocean Slime using a recipe that involved contact lens solution. Because way back i had tried the borax recipe slime and it didn’t work for me and i wasn’t too comfortable using borax in its raw form with my daughter. So this easy contact lens solution recipe is the one i used for our Glittery Ocean Slime. And if you are wondering whats the science behind slime, then i have the answer for that.
What is Slime
Slime is a popular thick and slimy substance loved by all kids. It’s science lies behind combining PVA glue with an activator – borax to change the chemical composition of the glue and convert it into a polymer cross-mixing. So while you are making my easy Glittery Ocean Slime you can tell your kids you are doing a kool science experiment!
Check out our fun Glittery Ocean Slime Video:
Interesting Slime Facts
1.Slime is a non Newtonian fluid. Which means its neither liquid nor solid.
2. Making Slime is actually a lesson in chemistry, where we change the molecules of the PVA glue with the help of an activator, in this case Borax. (Finally high school chemistry is coming useful somewhere in life).
3. Slime first became popular in 1976 and was marketed as an eky yucky gross toy.
4. Slime has become super popular these day, and there are tons of different recipes for it. Food coloring and glitter has made slime into something super pretty.
Glittery Ocean Slime Recipe
- Clear Glue 4 oz/ 125 ml ( I recommend using Elmer’s Clear Glue)
- Contact lens solution 1 1/2 tabs (with borax in its ingredients)
- Baking Soda 1/2 tsp
- Water as needed
- Blue glitter
Note: If Elmer’s Glue isn’t easily available where you live then i suggest you try Adx clear glue or UHU clear glue.
Instructions For Glittery Ocean Slime
1. Pour clear glue in a bowl.
2. Add baking soda to it and mix it well. The clear glue will turn opaque at this stage.
3. Next add about a 2 Tbs of water.
4. Mix the glue well. At this stage slime will be very sticky ,gooey and stringy. Don’t panic and just keep mixing.
5. Now drain the excess water from your slime bowl.
6. Next slowly add the contact lens solution to your slime. Drain the access solution once your slime starts to form. It should look something like this. It will still be pretty soft and stringy
7. Keeping mixing the slime and add your blue glitter now. We added tons of it!
8. Now keep kneading your slime. You can use yours hands to knead. Notice its still pretty stringy. Keep kneading and it will get better.
Few important tips:
Glittery Ocean Slime does need a lot of kneading. If your slime is still too runny add in a bit more contact lens solution. If its too hard then add in more water.
Pretty sparkly Glittery Ocean slime is ready now. Let your kids have all the fun making this slime. You might have noticed i don’t have photos of all steps of Glittery Ocean Slime. And this is because my daughter was having too much and wouldn’t let me take photos and stop at each step. And i honestly didn’t want to disturb her too much. For more fun and easy ocean crafts check out my Paper Plate Crabs and my Egg Carton Fish Craft. I hope you enjoy making this Glittery Ocean Slime as much as we did. Happy Crafting With Us!!!
Love love the shiny slime, looks easy and doable.
Thank you for liking it! And yes yes its easily doable 🙂
This is amazing. I love how creative you are. Forget the kids, I’m making this for myself 🙂
Haha Thank you so much!
Hey Asma,
Love your crafts. I admire your creativity and dedication. Also its so much fun to follow. My daughter is already head over heels over this slime. Thnks alot for the ideas
Thank you so much:)
This is so cool. My daughter will love this!
I’m not a huge fan of slimy or sticky things, but my boys would love to make this! It goes well with our current “Shark Week” theme.
This looks so cool and I bet kids love it! Will have to bookmark for when my daughter is older!
This looks like SO much fun! I can’t wait to make it with my granddaughter 🙂
I am glad that you like it. And it really is a super easy recipe!
This looks like so much fun. My nieces would love this, especially since it is glittery.
This is such a great idea! I definitely be making some the next rainy day for a fun activity!
Oh my god I love this. I didn’t get the whole obsession with slime at first, but then I suddenly found myself spending an hour on Instagram watching slime videos lol! Love that you can make this at home, cause the ones I saw online were kind of expensive!
Haha i was exactly like you till my daughter forced me into the slimey world! And i guarantee you this recipe is easy and not too expensive at all 🙂
That is such pretty slime!!! I love slime, and my grandkids, think it is wonderful!
That looks like so much fun! I forwarded this to my sister because my niece and nephew would LOVE doing this!!
Aww Thank you so much! Do check back on us for more fun slime coming soon 🙂
This is absolutely so fun! I can’t wait to share this with my sister for my niece to play with! I love the “slime facts,” too! Fab!
Thank you! Do check back on us for more fun slime coming soon.
My girls are on a slime kick. I will have to show them this. 😉
I am glad you like it! Do check back on us for more slime coming soon!
I have yet to make slime for my daughter (she’s 4), but the ones with borax kind of scare me. I will definitely have to try this recipe, thank you for sharing!
I totally agree with you. I tried making borax recipe slime with my daughter when she was 5 and i was worried the whole time and guess what it didnt even work for us! So i was super impressed with this recipe and honestly it was super easy to make.
How fun is this!! I love the addition of glitter!
My roommate uses a similar recipe with the contact solution instead of borax! Borax didn’t work with them either. This slime is so pretty! Going to pass this onto him and his daughter, she LOVES slime.
I am so glad you like it. And thank you for sharing 🙂
Slime is so fun! All kids love to get their hands in something gooey and colorful! Great post! Thank you!