Slime slime slime…. this is all my daughter talks about. Like every other kid she is absolutely in Looooovvvveeee with slimes. This is why I have gathered these 15 Best Slime Recipes in one place! (There are more then one type of slime btw).
So to make her happy I do make slimes with her. And i also buy her tons and tons of slime. She then adds different ingredients such as glitter or shaving foam… yup you heard that right! She loves adding shaving foam to add more fluff.
To be honest I am not a Slime lover at all, but thanks to her I have been dragged into the Slime craze!!! But have ever wondered what exactly is Slime.
What is Slime?
Slime is a popular thick and slimy substance loved by all kids. It’s science lies behind combining PVA glue with an activator – borax to change the chemical composition of the glue and convert it into a polymer cross-mixing.
Is Slime Safe?
Yes! It’s perfectly safe for most kids. Almost all Slime recipes use borax or its derivatives as an activator. Yes you do need to be careful with borax, the original recipe of Slime allows for 1 tbsp of borax for 1 cup of water. But these days though most slime recipes use derivatives of borax and hence are pretty safe to make. Btw this is the reason why I use the contact lense solution slime recipe only.
Anyways before I could make a Slime with my daughter I did my research online for the easiest possible recipes of slimes. And I found the 12 Best Slime Recipes!!!!! Before we get started I want to tell you about the different Slime recipes out there.
Types of Best Slime Recipes
- Slime with borax
- Slime with contact lense solution
- Slime with shaving foam aka Fluffy slime
- Butter Slime
- Edible slime
This list could honestly go on till forever! But these are the most popular few Slime recipes. My own favourite btw is Slime with contact lense solution. It’s the easiest and the one that I use.
Main Ingredients For Slime
Though different types of Slime have differen ingredients but the basic things that you almost always need are:
- Glue (PVA glue) Clear or White depends on the end result you want.
- Activator (Usually borax, you can use contact lense solution as well, but that needs to have borax in it)
- Food color (though in my experience even paints are fine for adding color)
- Water
- Baking soda
* Many more things can be added as well for example shaving foam to make slime fluffy.
Now before I waste more time lets get started with our list of
12 Best Slime Recipes
1. Fluffy Slime Recipe by The Best Ideas For Kids.
2. Borax Slime Recipe by
3. Glittery Ocean Slime by me.
4. Unicorn Slime by The Best Ideas For Kids.
5. Galaxy Slime by
6. Rainbow Slime by Fun With Mama
7. Fun Magical Slime by me.
8. Butter Slime by Artful Parent.
9. Edible Slime by me.
10. Toothpaste orbeez slime by Savy Naturalista.
11. Mermaid Slime by Crafty Mornings
And this brings us to the end of this amazing list of 12 Best Slime Recipes. Hope you enjoy making these like we did.
Happy Crafting with us!!!
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