I love kites! They look so cheerful with their bright colours on blue skies. And they give a feeling of flying with freedom. So today I wanted to share this super Easy Pop Up Kite Craft with you. And to make it easier for you I have a Kite Template that you can download for free!
As you might know, these days I make sure that my crafts use only those materials that are always at home. Since most of us can’t really got out these days. For more easy crafts do check out my 10 Easy Ocean Crafts For Preschool with free Template and Printable Fun Facts!
Now this Easy Kite Craft is also good in teaching patterns to young kids. Did you know pattern recognition is an important cognitive development in children. It helps with many things in life as they grow up, especially in Math.
Materials Required ForĀ Easy Pop Up Kite Craft
- A4 Size white paper
- Kite Template
- Color pencils
- Scissors
- Glue stick
How to make Easy Pop Up Kite Craft
1. Take a white A4 size paper. Color it blue. You can use a blue color paper as well if you have it at home.
2. Printout the (click here) Kite Template.
3. Color the kites using your color pencils. Be as creative as you can be. This is the time to playfully introduce patterns to your kids. Talk about different colors and how we can make different types of patterns.
4. Now cut out the kites.
5. To make them pop up take strip of paper and fold it accordion style. Now paste one end to the kite and the other end to the A4 Paper. You can see in picture below as well.
6. Next cut out two white clouds and paste them.
7. Use markers to draw the strings for your kites.
You pretty colorful Pop Up Kite Craft is ready now. If you enjoyed making this easy Craft then do checkout my Fruit Craft Using Paper Roll. It great craft for talking about healthy eating and benefits of fruits in our diets.
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Happy Crafting With Us!