Summer is going strong and we had a wonderful vacation at my parent’s place. My daughter got a lot of free time in the outdoors and loved every minute of it. It was so relaxing and refreshing. We explored the nature around us and just lazed around under the trees or in the pool. And amid all this fun time i was feeling a bit guilty for not working on my blog and totally neglecting my art and crafts. So to stay in tune with our surroundings i decided to make a DIY Bird Feeder with my daughter’s help.
What is a DIY Bird Feeder
A DIY Bird Feeder is a way to provide bird food to the birds in the outdoors. Since i didnt want to use any man made materials for it i decided to use a pine cone and an apple. I made two different DIY Bird Feeders.
To be honest this has got to be the easiest craft ever and the best part was i had everything at home with me. No fancy materials or supplies needed. And my daughter who is an absolute bird lover spent many hours waiting under the trees to watch a bird come and actually feed from her DIY Bird Feeder. We were lucky enough to watch one bird from a far but before i could take a photo,
it obviously flew away.
Materials For DIY Bird Feeder
- Pine Cone
- Apple
- Peanut Butter
- Bird Seeds
- String
Instructions For DIY Bird Feeder
1.Take your pine cone and your apple and put a nice thick layer of peanut butter on them. For the pine cone be very generous with the peanut butter. For the apple you don’t need a very thick layer.
2. Put the bird seeds in a plate. Now roll your peanut butter coated pine cone and apple in the bird seeds. Cover them up as good as you can.
3. Lastly tie a string to the top of the pine cone and the apple and hang them on different trees.
Now sit around a little far from the pretty DIY Bird Feeder and wait for the birds to come. This craft actually turned out to be a nice educational activity for my daughter. She was very keen to learn about the different species of birds in our area and wanted to learn about their habitat and the kind of food they like to eat. DIY Bird Feeder are a perfect way to spend some quality outdoor time with your kids and keep them engaged and interested in the nature around them. For more fun summer crafts do check out my Floating Rainbow Popsicle Raft Craft. Do make this DIY Bird Feeder Craft with your kids and have some fun together. Happy Crafting With Us!
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